Expense Splitter
Split bills and expenses among friends, roommates, or groups. Calculate who owes what with ease.
Add Participants
Add all the people involved in sharing expenses. You can easily add or remove participants at any time.
Track Expenses
Record expenses with details about who paid and how it should be split among the group.
Settle Up
Get a clear breakdown of who owes what to whom, making it easy to settle up the expenses.
How It Works
- Add all participants who are sharing expenses
- Enter expenses with details about who paid and how it should be split
- The tool automatically calculates the optimal way to settle up
- View a clear breakdown of who owes what to whom
Tips for Using the Expense Splitter
- • Enter expenses as soon as they occur to keep track accurately
- • Use descriptive names for expenses to remember them easily
- • Double-check the split selection before adding an expense
- • Settle up periodically to avoid large accumulated debts